January is Veganuary, a month focussing on a plant based diet, helping people to see how wonderful life can be without eating meat, eggs and dairy products. I think it's a brilliant initiative getting people to eat less meat and dairy as a challenge for one month - not too long and not too short.

Since 2014, Veganuary has inspired more than 1 million people to eat more vegan meals in 192 different countries. Their website has wonderful tips and tricks for a healthy lifestyle and if you've officially signed up for Veganuary, you'll receive a cook book with 31 days worth of vegan recipes, keeping you healthy and satisfied for the month.
We had many trials with few errors and more successes. I am still cooking vegan curries and pasta recipes at least once a week, and people who join in with our dinners don't even realize it's vegan!
I've done Veganuary two years ago, and it opened our eyes to many wonderful foods we're still eating. This year we're not joining in, as me and my husband are currently with my mum and dad who don't even want to eat vegetarian two times per week, so it's proven challenging for us to be strictly vegan (and vegetarian. We're definitely more flexitarian now more than ever). We've learned a lot from Veganuary and since joining two years ago, we've made many changes in our lifestyle - only for the better!