Why bans ons plastic bags and straws don't work long term

Why bans ons plastic bags and straws don't work long term

With local bans on plastic bags, straws and others consumer goods, only a small portion of the industry's plastic waste is actually being addressed. These are the plastics that we as consumers see and have power over using or not using, but there is a multitude of other industrial packaging that should be addressed in our plastic bans for a better future.

Photography Credit: Antonio Gravante

We need to get our local governments to start putting in bans for products like cling film. As mentioned before, this can't be recycled and is full of harmful chemicals. Cling film isn't only used to pre-package food, but also to package complete containers shipped to supermarkets.


About cling film

Photography Credit: Pressmaster

Cling film was discovered by accident in the 30s and it was used by the military to line boots and planes. It wasn't until M&S started to pre-package their foods in 1980 when cling film got really big. For 43p, you could buy yourself a salmon and cucumber pre-packaged sandwich.

And the revolution began.

Now, the sandwich industry is worth 8 billion in the UK alone. Government, if you want to make a real change, start with the companies making our products, don't guilt the consumer into thinking they should do better.



The Guardian
National Geographic

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